Sara Ali Khan is making the most of her time in Delhi. And, her Sunday was spent in quite a unique way. The actress, who is busy promoting her film Atrangi Re, took some time out to visit a temple. Sara's visit to a Shiva temple in Delhi was captured on camera. The 26-year-old herself shared the video on Instagram Stories. Here, Sara is dressed in a black sweater and red shawl while pouring water on a Shiva lingam. The text on the video read, "Om Namah Shivay."
Meanwhile, Sara Ali Khan is grooving to the tunes of Chaka Chak these days. It's a peppy number from her upcoming film. Sara has been roping in other Bollywood stars to match steps with her on this song. When dancing with Madhuri Dixit, Sara performed the hook steps from Madhuri Dixit's song Channe Ke Khet Mein. Sara Ali Khan captioned the post in her shayari style, "Channe ke khet mein Chaka chak kiya. Poori umar Madhuri Dixit ma'am ne inspiration diya aur ab unke saath dance karke khush hua mera jiya."
Ranveer Singh also danced to Chaka Chak with Sara Ali Khan. The viral track got both the celebrities grooving. Posting the video with the actor, Sara wrote in the caption, "Super super, ultra-cool Ranveer Singh. Proving yet again why he's king. Thank you so much for this. Missed dancing with you." Ranveer and Sara have worked together in Simmba.
The song Chaka Chak, rich with Bollywood moves and playful rhythm, has won the hearts of many fans already. While promoting Anand L Rai's movie, Sara Ali Khan not only screened the song but also sang it to her fans. The actress attended interviews where she sang a few lines from the number between giggles. Take a look at the video she shared with her Instafam:
Sara Ali Khan made her Bollywood debut with Kedarnath, in 2018, where she featured alongside the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. She went on to work in films like Love Aaj Kal with Kartik Aaryan and Coolie No 1 remake, co-starring Varun Dhawan. Sara's upcoming movie Atrangi Re also features Akshay Kumar and Dhanush.