Sara Ali Khan introduced us to her new Instagram video, which she's titled, "Watch With Sara". The 24-year-old actress recently posted an IGTV video on Instagram in which she is taking the viewers through New York's Central Park while she acts like hosting a show. Sara is riding in a rickshaw with her friend Ipsita Sen in her throwback video from November last year. The Kedarnath actress displays her humorous side to her fans as she anchors her made-up show in Hindi and finds herself correcting the words quite a few times. On a hilarious note, when she asks her friend Ipsita to say something and Ipsita says, "Please like, share, subscribe," Sara jokingly interrupts to say, "Humein bechne se pehle aap kuch kehna chahengi?"
In the video, she can be seen talking with the rider of her rickshaw, who is taking her around Central Park. He questions if the actress has watched the animated film Stuart Little, featuring an adorable small rat. Sara laughingly rephrased it as "chhota chooha" and said, "Hum chhota chooha dekhne ja rahe hain, darshakon." The video has a funny ending to it.
In the climax of this short clip, Sara's friend Ipsita closes the video by saying, "Please like, please comment, please subscribe and please press the bell if you would like to know when we upload new videos. Chota chooha is coming soon." Sara has captioned the video as "Namaste darshako with Sara #tbt."
Have a look at this entertaining video that Sara posted:
Sara Ali Khan has been posting about her personal life on Instagram. While she was in New York with three of her friends, she posted a few moments with them.
Have a look at her pictures from the vacation:
On the work front, Sara Ali Khan is done shooting Imtiaz Ali's untitled romantic drama film with co-actor Kartik Aaryan. The actress will also feature in Coolie No. 1, which is a remake of a 1995 film with the same name.