"I'm a huge fan of Hillary Clinton. Her curiosity is so compelling to me, her desire to listen and learn and travel," Sarah Jessica Parker said.
Sex and the City star Sarah JessicaParker says she is a fan of former US secretary of stateHillary Clinton because she is cultured and very curious.
The 47-year-old actress said that she wants 65-year-oldHillary to run for President elections, reported Showbizspy."I'm a huge fan of Hillary Clinton. Her curiosity is socompelling to me, her desire to listen and learn and travel,"Parker said.
"Personally, and I mean this with all sincerity, I will bevery, very sad if she doesn't choose to run. I think she hasso much to offer and is equipped to do it well, to bethoughtful, reasonable, strong, authoritative, empathetic.
"The conventionally female parts of her can partner wellwith the parts of her that are considered not as female tomake a great leader," she added.
The 47-year-old actress said that she wants 65-year-oldHillary to run for President elections, reported Showbizspy."I'm a huge fan of Hillary Clinton. Her curiosity is socompelling to me, her desire to listen and learn and travel,"Parker said.
"Personally, and I mean this with all sincerity, I will bevery, very sad if she doesn't choose to run. I think she hasso much to offer and is equipped to do it well, to bethoughtful, reasonable, strong, authoritative, empathetic.
"The conventionally female parts of her can partner wellwith the parts of her that are considered not as female tomake a great leader," she added.