A 20-year-old man allegedly broke into Selena Gomez's house last month.
Los Angeles:
A 20-year-old man, who allegedlybroke into Selena Gomez's house in Calabasas last month, hasbeen served with jail sentence.
According to the Los Angeles County District Attorney'sOffice, the man named Che Cruz pleaded no contest tounauthorized entry of a dwelling house, a misdemeanor, onApril 2, reported Ace Showbiz.
Che Cruz was sentenced to 45 days in jail and three years ofprobation. He was also ordered to stay away from the SpringBreakers star and her property and was prohibited frompossessing any weapons.
Cruz broke into Selena Gomez's property on March 30 when thesinger reportedly was at home. He rang the doorbell and askedabout the 21-year-old singer, but was told she was not athome.
Police then found him in the bathroom of Gomez's guesthouse. The homeless man then was arrested on suspicion oftrespassing and burglary.
According to the Los Angeles County District Attorney'sOffice, the man named Che Cruz pleaded no contest tounauthorized entry of a dwelling house, a misdemeanor, onApril 2, reported Ace Showbiz.
Che Cruz was sentenced to 45 days in jail and three years ofprobation. He was also ordered to stay away from the SpringBreakers star and her property and was prohibited frompossessing any weapons.
Cruz broke into Selena Gomez's property on March 30 when thesinger reportedly was at home. He rang the doorbell and askedabout the 21-year-old singer, but was told she was not athome.
Police then found him in the bathroom of Gomez's guesthouse. The homeless man then was arrested on suspicion oftrespassing and burglary.