After Vaishno Devi, Shah Rukh Khan's next stop was Shirdi Sai Baba Temple to offer prayers ahead of Dunki release. Shah Rukh Khan visited Shirdi Sai Baba Temple with daughter Suhana Khan and manager Pooja Dadlani by his side on Thursday evening. Unlike his Vaishno Devi visit, Shah Rukh Khan didn't hide his face this time. He wore a jacket over his white shirt. He completed his look with a cap and shades. Suhana wore a pretty salwar suit. In the video footage released by ANI, we can see Shah Rukh Khan greeting fans who assembled outside the temple to catch a glimpse of him. He can be seen talking to the temple staff. He can be seen smiling as well.
Shah Rukh Khan was spotted at Vaishno Devi a couple of days back. In viral video footage released by news agency PTI, Shah Rukh Khan was impossible to recognise under a black mask. This is the third time Shah Rukh Khan has visited Vaishno Devi in a single year. He went to offer prayers before Pathaan and Jawan released in theatres. Take a look at the viral video here:
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan has actively been responding to fans' videos on X. A fan posted a video in which he can be seen dancing to Lutt Putt Gaya as he recreates the scenes from the film. Shah Rukh Khan loved the video and wrote, "This is a very nice cover... including the effects!! Pretty accurate ha ha... love u and thank u!"
A fan club shared a video and wrote, "Painting the Bangalore metro in our Yellow for #Dunki! Celebrations to get bigger every day till our First day first show. Contact our Admins to join the FDFS in Bangalore." Shah Rukh Khan replied and wrote, "Thank u girls and boys!!! Lots of love to each one of u.... Keep spreading the love!"
Shah Rukh Khan has had a stellar year on the professional front. His previous two releases Jawan and Dunki were blockbuster hits. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani and produced by SRK and Gauri Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment, Dunki is slated to release on December 21 this year. This is Rajkumar Hirani and Shah Rukh Khan's first collaboration.