Hey folks, our day is made after setting eyes on this throwback gold featuring Shah Rukh Khan with his wife Gauri Khan. Bollywood actor Viveck Vaswani, who has worked with Shah Rukh Khan in several films, shared a picture on Friday of the Pathaan star, from the time when he was newly married to his wife Gauri. Sharing the adorable picture of the duo on social media, Viveck Vaswani recalled the time when Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman was being filmed in Darjeeling and Shah Rukh had brought his young bride Gauri to the location for their honeymoon. Sharing the image, Viveck Vaswani wrote, "Honeymoon in Darjeeling while the first song of RajuBanGayaGentleman was being filmed. We went to Delhi, he got married and we went straight to Darjeeling to shoot… with the bride!!"
Take a look at this lovely post:
For the unversed, Viveck Vaswani and Shah Rukh Khan have acted together in films like Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman, English Babu Desi Mem, Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa' and King Uncle. Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman is a 1992 film starring Shah Rukh Khan and Amrita Singh and Jihu Chawla in titular roles. In it, Shah Rukh Khan plays a Diploma holder from Darjeeling, who arrives in Mumbai to become a successful engineer.
A few days back, star couple Gauri Khan and Shah Rukh Khan's family pictures with their three children went viral. What however added to the cuteness quotient was SRK's comment on wife Gauri's post. "Yaar what beautiful children you have made Gauri." If this isn't cute, we don't know what is. Gauri Khan, posting a picture with her family on Monday, revealed in her caption that she will be releasing her coffee table book soon. "Family is what makes a home... Excited about the Penguin India coffee table book...Coming soon," Gauri Khan wrote. She added the hashtags #GauriKhanDesigns and #MyLifeInDesign to her post.
Check out Gauri Khan's post here:
Shah Rukh Khan married Gauri Khan in 1991. The star couple is parents to Aryan, 25, (their eldest child), who launched a lifestyle luxury collective brand last year. Their daughter Suhana will soon make her acting debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK and Gauri are also parents to AbRam, 9, who attends school in Mumbai.