Actor Shah Rukh Khan, to whom the epithets Baadshah of Bollywood and King Khan are often applied, lives life superstar-size. In an exclusive interview, Shah Rukh tells NDTV that he is sometimes accused of being 'materialistic' but doesn't think he is.
SRK tells Shekhar Gupta on Walk The Talk, "Taking, as far as you're concerned for yourself without harming anybody else, is to be taken. If I go to a shop and I see two shirts that I like then I'll buy both. It does not mean that I'm being a capitalist or I'm being wrong about this."
The 49-year-old actor adds, "To young people I say, satisfy your material and physical wants as much as you can. As you grow older, you want fewer things."
SRK, who has often spoken about how he would never swap the spotlight and public scrutiny that fame brings for a more private life, also says that "if you become a star, there is no job option."
"We can't become commentators or film critics. Once a star, you live as a star and with due respect, I don't want to sound pompous, you die as a star," Shah Rukh Khan tells Shekhar Gupta.
SRK starred in this year's Diwali blockbuster Happy New Year and is currently shooting Fan, out next year.
This Article is From Dec 05, 2014
Shah Rukh Khan: Buying Two Shirts at a Shop Doesn't Make Me Capitalist
- Written by: Gitanjali Roy
- Bollywood
Dec 05, 2014 13:09 pm IST
Published On Dec 05, 2014 13:03 pm IST
Last Updated On Dec 05, 2014 13:09 pm IST
SRK says that he would never swap the spotlight that fame brings for a more private life