Isha Ambani along with her husband Anand Piramal hosted a grand party on the occasion of her twins Krishna and Aadiya's 1st birthday on Saturday in Mumbai. The birthday bash was attended by some of the biggest names in the Bollywood fraternity. Topping the guest list was obviously superstar Shah Rukh Khan. In videos shared by fan pages on X (previously known as Twitter), the Jawan star can be seen having fun with Anant Ambani and his fiancé Radhika Merchant. In one such video, Shah Rukh can be spotted in an informal black suit and shades as Anant hands over a yellow snake to him without any intimation while another person puts another similar snake around the actor's neck from behind. The actor however looks unfazed while dealing with the snakes.
The video was shared alongside a fabulous caption that read, "Exclusive: SRK having a SnakeTastic time with Radhika and Anant Ambani at Jio World." Take a look at the video here:
Exclusive: SRK having a SnakeTastic time with Radhika and Anant Ambani at Jio World.@iamsrk #ShahRukhKhan #SRK
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) November 18, 2023
In another inside video from the party, Shah Rukh Khan can be seen having a chat with his manager Pooja Dadlani. This is the video we are talking about:
King Khan set the birthday party of Isha Ambani's kids, Aaditya and Krishna on fire with his sizzling style and charismatic charm at Jio World 🔥😎@iamsrk #ShahRukhKhan #SRK
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) November 18, 2023
Other guests at the Party included Katrina Kaif, Ananya Panday, Kiara Advani and many other celebs.
Meanwhile, Former star football player David Beckham's first India trip was made memorable as Shah Rukh Khan hosted a grand party for him at his house Mannat on Thursday night. David Beckham shared a picture with his cordial host Shah Rukh Khan and wrote, "Honoured to have been welcomed into this great man's home. To enjoy a meal with @iamsrk, @gaurikhan, their beautiful children and close friends - what a special way to end my first visit to India... Thank you my friend - you and your family are welcome any time in my home..."
On the work front, a day before Diwali, Shah Rukh Khan treated his fans to two new posters of his next film Dunki. Take a look at the posters below:
Dunki is directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The film marks the first collaboration between Shah Rukh Khan and Rajkumar Hirani. Dunki is slated to release on Christmas this year.