Shah Rukh Khan treated his fans to a much-awaited #ASKSRK session on Twitter, on Thursday. The topic of questions was SRK's recently-released Jawan prevue and everything related to the film that has been directed by Atlee. A Twitter user asked SRK, "What's the reaction of Gauri Ma'am after watching the prevue of Jawan?" Shah Rukh Khan, revealing what Gauri Khan loved the most about the prevue, wrote, "Gauri loves the fact that it shows a lot of women power." FYI, the film boasts of stellar cast that includes actresses Nayanthara, Deepika Padukone, Sanya Malhotra, Ridhi Dogra, Priyamani, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Girija Oak, Lehar Khan and Aaliyah Qureishi. What's not to love?
Read Shah Rukh Khan's tweet here:
During the session, A Twitter user asked SRK about son AbRam's reaction to the Jawan prevue. Shah Rukh Khan replied, "He loves the title music given by Anirudh. The whistle especially."
The superstar began the session with these words on Thursday, "Been told that I should do an #AskSRK right now because I am doing nothing to answer questions surrounding #Jawan Prevue. Obviously won't give away too much but will answer a few for sure. Ready ah," tweeted Shah Rukh Khan.
ICYMI, check out the Jawan prevue:
Shah Rukh Khan married Gauri Khan in 1991. The star couple are parents to Aryan, 25, (their eldest child), who launched a lifestyle luxury collective streetwear brand this year. Their daughter Suhana will soon make acting debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK and Gauri are also parents to AbRam, 9, who attends school in Mumbai.