Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan, one of the biggest Indian blockbusters of 2023, continues to make waves globally. The film hit the cinema screens in Japan on November 29 and has been met with an overwhelming response. Overjoyed by the love, SRK shared a heartfelt note for his Japanese fans. The buzz began when a fan page shared a video from Japan, featuring a vibrant LED display of Jawan's poster in Tokyo. The text attached to the video read, "Jawan fever hits Japan! SRK's global stardom takes over iconic Tokyo streets—proof that the King rules hearts worldwide!”
Resharing the post, Shah Rukh Khan expressed his gratitude, writing, "Been reading about the love pouring in from Japan for #Jawan… thank you all and hope you enjoy this film in your wonderful country. We made it from India for the world… and glad it's being enjoyed all over. My love and thanks to all who have watched it in Japan.”
Been reading about the love pouring in from Japan for #Jawan… thank you all and hope you enjoy this film in your wonderful country. We made it from India for the world… and glad it's being enjoyed all over. My love and thanks to all who have watched it in Japan.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 1, 2024
Back in September, Shah Rukh Khan had built up the excitement for Jawan's release in Japan with a thrilling Instagram announcement. The superstar wrote: “Ek Kahani justice ki...vengeance ki...villain aur hero ki... Ek kahani Jawan ki... Aa rahi hai Japan ke theatres mein pehli baar! Toh ab reh gaya bas ek sawaal- Ready-ah? The fire and action you all loved is making a massy massy massy arrival in Japan. Jawan hits the screens in Japan on 29th Nov, 2024."
In addition to SRK, Jawan features Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara, Deepika Padukone, Sanya Malhotra, Ridhi Dogra, Priyamani, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Sunil Grover, Girija Oak, Lehar Khan and Aaliyah Qureishi in key roles.
Directed by Atlee, Jawan showcases Shah Rukh Khan in a power-packed double role as Vikram Rathore and his son, Azad. The film pits SRK against Vijay Sethupathi, who delivers a gripping performance as the antagonist. Nayanthara stands by Azad as he takes on a corrupt system.