It's a special day for Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan whose 1995 film Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayengeis celebrating 1,000 weeks on the screen of Mumbai's Maratha Mandir. DDLJ, as the film name is contracted to, is the longest running Bollywood film ever, having outstripped the previous holder of this record, Sholay, some time ago. (Also Read: 19 Years Later, 19 Top Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge MomentsM)
SRK is marking the milestone with a clean-up campaign outside his home Mannat organized by fans as well as a special show of DDLJ at Maratha Mandir. (Blog: What Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge Did For Us, 19 Years Ago )
Here's a picture of fans outside Mannat waiting to begin the clean-up:
Team @SRKUniverse & @SRKCHENNAIFC outside Mannat for Cleaning Campaign 1000 Weeks of DDLJ fans together for @iamsrk
SRK's signature pose, copied by his fans queuing up outside Maratha Mandir:
Crowds doing signature @iamsrk pose while waiting for 1000 Weeks Of DDLJ event at Maratha Mandir
For Shah Rukh Khan himself, it's business as usual with a night of shooting his new film Fan:
Late nite shoot at YRF, Mumbai. No better way to drive back home, then to a day when it's a 1000 weeks of DDLJ.
- Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 11, 2014
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, co-starring Kajol and directed by Aditya Chopra, is still considered Bollywood's definitive work on romance and relationships. It has passed from the annals of film into those of pop culture, endlessly referenced by generations of movie-goers in daily conversation.