Shah Rukh Khan is more than ready for the FIFA World Cup Final, scheduled to take place in Qatar on December 18. The star who will be in the studio watching the match between Argentina and France, will also be promoting Pathaan on the side. Turns out, the first stop for Pathaan promotions will be FIFA World Cup Final. The actor, on Thursday, shared a promo video on social media, in which he said that while Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe will be fighting it out in the field, he will be joining Wayne Rooney in the studio. "Field par Messi aur Mbappe... Studio mein Wayne Rooney aur main (Messi and Mbappe on the field and Wayne Rooney and I in the studio) Pathaan 18 December ki shaam hogi shaandaar (18 December evening will be awesome) Dekhiye FIFA World Cup Final mere saath (watch the finale of FIFA World Cup) with me) LIVE on Jio Cinema and Sports 18," he captioned the post.
Check out the video posted by Shah Rukh Khan here:
Field par Messi aur Mbappe... studio mein @WayneRooney aur main... #Pathaan!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 15, 2022
18 Dec ki shaam hogi shaandaar!
Dekhiye #FIFAWorldCup Final mere saath, LIVE on @JioCinema & @Sports18
Seems like Shah Rukh Khan will not be the only Pathaan star at the FIFA World Cup Final. Going by recent reports, Deepika Padukone is expected to unveil the World Cup trophy at the Lusail Iconic Stadium on December 18.
Speaking of Pathaan, it is unarguably one of the most awaited films of 2023. The film has been directed by Siddharth Anand and it has been produced by Yash Raj Films. The film stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham alongside SRK. The film will release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on January 25, 2023.