Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who delivered not one but three blockbuster hits in 2023, took home the coveted Best Actor Award for his stellar performance in the Atlee directorial Jawan at the Dadasaheb Phalke International Awards held in Mumbai last night. A day after, the Pathaan actor's acceptance speech is trending big and for all the right reasons. In an inside video from the event, posted by a fan page, the 58-year-old can be seen expressing his doubts with regards to winning an award. Conveying his gratitude towards his fans and his fellow actors, SRK said, "Shukriya sari jury member ka jinhone mujhko best actor ke liye layak samjha aur bhaut saal ho gaye mujhe best actor ka award nahin mila toh aisa lagne laga tha ki ab milega hi nahin. Mujhe bhaut khushi hai. Mujhe awards bhaut ache lagte hai, main thoda laalchi hu, greedy hu. (I thank the jury who considered me worthy of the Best Actor award. I haven't been given the Best Actor Award in a long time. It seemed as if I would not get it again. So, I am extremely happy. I like awards. I am a bit greedy)."
Shah Rukh also thanked his Jawan director Atlee, his co-stars Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi, singer-songwriter Anirudh Ravichander, and other cast and crew members of the film. He continued, "I am genuinely thrilled and touched that people have recognised the work that I have put in. The work of an artist is not important, all the people around him or her make everything come together."
He concluded by saying, "I promise I will keep working hard and entertain India and people who are living abroad as many years as I can. Whether it takes me to dance, to fall, to fly, to romance, to be evil, to be a bad guy, to be a good guy. Inshallah, I will keep working hard."
Watch Shah Rukh Khan's speech here:
Shah Rukh Khan wins the Best Actor award for Jawan at the Dadasaheb Phalke International Awards 2024 ❤️
— yash. (@YashSRK17) February 20, 2024
On the red carpet, Shah Rukh Khan ran into his Kuch Kuch Hota Hain co-star Rani Mukerji and the two shared a warm hug. The two also posed for pictures while twinning in black. Take alook at their picture together:
On the work front, SRK was last seen in Rajkumar Hirani's Dunki alongside Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal.