Bollywood superstar Shah RukhKhan's Pakistani cousin Noor Jehan is looking forward to areunion with him after over a decade, when she visits Indianext month.
Noor Jehan, a resident of the Shah Wali Qataal area ofPeshawar, last met Shah Rukh when she travelled to Mumbai in1997. She is hoping to meet the 'King Khan' of Bollywood whenshe visits India to attend the wedding of a relative.
"I am going to New Delhi in the first week of Februaryand will stay there for around 10 days. I shall approach ShahRukh and if he spares time for me, I will proceed to Mumbaifrom New Delhi," she said.
"I am proud of my cousin and have named my child afterhim. Shah Rukh has given us pride and recognition," Noor Jehansaid.
Keeping in mind Shah Rukh's love for the city of hisancestors, Noor Jehan said she would take some special giftsfor the star, including Peshawari chappals and a silk suit.
During an earlier visit to Peshawar, Shah Rukh bought a pairof chappals that he used for about seven years, she said.
Noor Jehan said when her brother Mansoor visited Indiain 2001, Shah Rukh had asked him to bring a pair of chappals.Mansoor took three pairs for him, she added.
This will be Noor Jehan's second visit to India. Shelast visited India in 1997, when she and her husband AsifShahab stayed with the star for around one month.
Taj Mohammad, Shah Rukhs father, was the youngest offive brothers. Noor Jehan's father Ghulam Muhammad, popularlyknown as Gamma, was an eminent Peshawari who opposed thePartition in 1947 and was associated with the Congress party.
Noor Jehan said Shah Rukh had been in contact with herfor the past few years.
"Earlier, we lost contact as Shah Rukh kept changinghis phone numbers and, because of his busy schedule, he couldnot keep in touch with us," she said.
She said she got Shah Rukh's phone number fromSurinder Kapoor, the father of Bollywood star Anil Kapoor,whose family too has its roots in Peshawar. Surinder Kapooroften keeps in touch with people in his hometown, she said.
Recalling her last visit to India, Noor Jehan saidShah Rukh received her warmly and his response was verycordial and affectionate.
"Though he has not met his relatives (in Peshawar) forquite a long time, he keeps himself apprised of our well-beingwhenever he meets our relatives in UK, America or any othercountry in the world," she said.
Shah Rukh had visited Peshawar in 1978 and 1979, hisrelatives said. Noor Jehan said the star loves Peshawarbecause he has roots there.
"Shah Rukh also wishes to visit Peshawar and he hadconveyed a message to us that if he visited Pakistan even fora single day, he will come to the city of his father," shesaid.
Noor Jehan, a resident of the Shah Wali Qataal area ofPeshawar, last met Shah Rukh when she travelled to Mumbai in1997. She is hoping to meet the 'King Khan' of Bollywood whenshe visits India to attend the wedding of a relative.
"I am going to New Delhi in the first week of Februaryand will stay there for around 10 days. I shall approach ShahRukh and if he spares time for me, I will proceed to Mumbaifrom New Delhi," she said.
"I am proud of my cousin and have named my child afterhim. Shah Rukh has given us pride and recognition," Noor Jehansaid.
Keeping in mind Shah Rukh's love for the city of hisancestors, Noor Jehan said she would take some special giftsfor the star, including Peshawari chappals and a silk suit.
During an earlier visit to Peshawar, Shah Rukh bought a pairof chappals that he used for about seven years, she said.
Noor Jehan said when her brother Mansoor visited Indiain 2001, Shah Rukh had asked him to bring a pair of chappals.Mansoor took three pairs for him, she added.
This will be Noor Jehan's second visit to India. Shelast visited India in 1997, when she and her husband AsifShahab stayed with the star for around one month.
Taj Mohammad, Shah Rukhs father, was the youngest offive brothers. Noor Jehan's father Ghulam Muhammad, popularlyknown as Gamma, was an eminent Peshawari who opposed thePartition in 1947 and was associated with the Congress party.
Noor Jehan said Shah Rukh had been in contact with herfor the past few years.
"Earlier, we lost contact as Shah Rukh kept changinghis phone numbers and, because of his busy schedule, he couldnot keep in touch with us," she said.
She said she got Shah Rukh's phone number fromSurinder Kapoor, the father of Bollywood star Anil Kapoor,whose family too has its roots in Peshawar. Surinder Kapooroften keeps in touch with people in his hometown, she said.
Recalling her last visit to India, Noor Jehan saidShah Rukh received her warmly and his response was verycordial and affectionate.
"Though he has not met his relatives (in Peshawar) forquite a long time, he keeps himself apprised of our well-beingwhenever he meets our relatives in UK, America or any othercountry in the world," she said.
Shah Rukh had visited Peshawar in 1978 and 1979, hisrelatives said. Noor Jehan said the star loves Peshawarbecause he has roots there.
"Shah Rukh also wishes to visit Peshawar and he hadconveyed a message to us that if he visited Pakistan even fora single day, he will come to the city of his father," shesaid.