This year's Diwali will be special for Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput, who welcomed their second child in September. Shahid and Mira named their son Zain and the two-month-old baby is already festive ready. On Instagram stories, Mira shared a picture of Zain's Diwali outfits, gifted by designer Kunal Rawal and wrote, "Zainu's Diwali outfits." Kunal has sent two little kurtas for baby Zain's Diwali and we hope we get to see a glimpse of him wearing those. Last week, Mira had shared an adorable picture of Zain and his elder sister Misha, in which she was standing beside his crib and the duo were pictured looking at each other.
Here's baby Zain's Diwali outfits.
And, take a look at Misha and Zain's picture.
We wish you a very happy Diwali, Shahid, Mira, Misha and baby Zain.
Shahid and Mira together attended Shah Rukh Khan's star-studded Diwali party on Saturday. Mira also shared glimpses of her OOTD on Instagram with three different posts.
Shahid Kapoor married Mira Rajput in July 2016 and they Misha was born to them in August 2017. Shahid announced Mira's second pregnancy this April with a super duper cute picture of 'big sister' Misha.
Last month, Mira was photographed at the Mumbai airport with Misha and Zain. While Zain was cradled in Mira's arms, Misha was taken care of by her nanny.
On the work front, Shahid Kapoor, who was last seen in Batti Gul Meter Chalu, has started filming Kabir Singh - the remake of Telugu film Arjun Reddy. The film also stars Kiara Advani and it will open in theatres next year.