All that Shahid Kapoor wants on a "rainy winter evening" is a warm hug from wife Mira Rajput and his latest entry on Instagram sums up his feeling pretty well. The actor posted a loved up photo of himself and Mira on Saturday and sent the Internet into a meltdown. In the picture, the couple can be seen twinning in black outfits. Shahid can be seen clicking a selfie as Mira rests her head on his chest. She can be seen covering half of her face with her outfit. Sharing the adorable photo, Shahid Kapoor accompanied it with an equally adorable caption. He wrote: "Just what I need on a rainy winter evening." Aww.
Take a look at Shahid Kapoor's post here:
Shahid Kapoor was busy filming his new movie away from his house but returned back just in time to celebrate Diwali with family. He shared a picture of himself and Mira twinning in black traditional outfits on Diwali and wrote: "Happy Diwali to you all. Love and light."
In terms of work, Shahid Kapoor will next be seen in Jersey, is a Hindi remake of the Telugu film of the same name. Gowtham Tinnanuri, who directed the original movie, is also helming the Hindi version. In Jersey, Shahid Kapoor will play the role of a cricket enthusiast whose dream to join the Indian cricket team is fulfilled when he is in his 40s.
Shahid Kapoor was last seen in Kabir Singh, which was the second highest-earning Hindi film of 2019 after War. Kabir Singh is the Hindi remake of the Telugu film Arjun Reddy.