Singer Sona Mohapatra, who doesn't shy away from expressing her opinions on social media, criticised Shahid Kapoor's recently-released film Kabir Singh in a series of tweets. Sona slammed Shahid for being a part of the film and wrote: "Does the actor have no responsibility for choosing to play a part in a narrative that can set us back as a society?" In response to actor Nakul Mehta's tweet, the singer quoted him in her tweet and she wrote: "And how can we keep such deeply disturbing, dark and dangerous politics 'aside'? Does the actor have no responsibility for choosing to play a part in a narrative that can set us back as a society? Is that all we have become? Creatures of ambition? Let's talk."
Take a look at Sona Mohapatra's tweet here:
& how can we keep such deeply disturbing , dark & dangerous politics 'aside'? Does the actor have no responsibility for choosing to play a part in a narrative that can set us back as a society? Is that all we have become? Creatures of ambition? #LetsTalk #India #KabirSingh
— SONA (@sonamohapatra) June 21, 2019
In a separate tweet, Sona criticised National Commission for Women, Rekha Sharma for her now deleted tweet, in which he had praised Shahid Kapoor for his performance. In her tweet, Sona referred to Kabir Singh as a "misogynistic and patriarchal narrative" and added, "Didn't notice the deeply misogynistic and patriarchal narrative? Just intense acting? That is truly deeply disturbing. That you are the the chairperson of the NCW India , makes me wonder about what we can hope for when it comes to women's place in India."
Read her tweet here:
Didn't notice the deeply misogynistic & patriarchal narrative? Just intense acting? That is truly deeply disturbing. That you are the the chairperson of the @NCWIndia , makes me wonder about what we can hope for when it comes to women's place in #India .
— SONA (@sonamohapatra) June 21, 2019
Kabir Singh had a great opening at the box office. The film earned Rs 20.21 crore on the day of it's release. The film stars Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani in lead roles and it has been directed by Sandeep Vanga Reddy. Kabir Singh is a Hindi remake of the 2017 Telugu film Arjun Reddy.