Actress Shamita Shetty trended all of Monday morning after her name featured in reports stating she was allegedly rude to a fan, who asked to click selfies with her. The 40-year-old actress, who was also brutally trolled on social media after a video of hers with the fan went viral, posted a clarification of sorts in a lengthy Instagram post and wrote she's suffering from slipped disc in her neck and was in a hurry to attend an urgent commitment. "Feel sad today... Nobody really understands the state of mind of an artist. I was rushing out of the place with an emergency to attend too, with a slipped disc in my neck... I don't want to get into details of that but I still complied with a photo to my fans waiting there but it was taking so long that I was getting impatient."
In the video going viral, Shamita clearly appeared to be in a hurry but obliged when a female fan asked for a selfie. The video also shows Shamita helping the fan adjust her camera but with an expression of irritation on her face, which trolls on the Internet considered "rude" and "arrogant". In her note, Shamita wrote: "I can't walk around with a board that I'm under medical treatment for a very painful neck slipped disc but try to keep a smile on my face and did take pic and helped her take the pic as she was struggling with the right lighting. I'm aware as celebrities we are constantly judged especially in the world of social media where it's very easy for people to say things. I take it in my stride but there's no need to hit below the belt... it's because I cared that I still took those photos." On her way out, Shamita even asked the paparazzi to let her leave.
Shamita concluded her post by saying that even celebrities have bad days and that they shouldn't be judged for that: "I love my fans and respect the love and admiration they give me and that will always be a constant in my life! In the normal case I wouldn't want to clarify but felt the need to this time. I'm fallible as I'm a human being and do hurt. We all have bad days... maybe that was mine... that doesn't make us bad people.. Sending you all positivity, love and light."
For her post, Shamita Shetty made a collage of some of the reports stating she was trolled for being allegedly rude:
Shamita Shetty is the younger daughter of Surendra and Sunanda Shetty's two daughters. Her elder sister Shilpa Shetty is also an actress, producer and fitness enthusiast. Shamita Shetty made her Bollywood debut with 2000's Mohabbatein, in which she was cast opposite Uday Chopra. She has worked in films such as Mohabbat Ho Gayi Hai Tumse, Cash and Zeher.