Shanaya Kapoor is already a star on social media. Shanaya, who will make her Bollywood debut with Bedhadak, has filled her Instagram timeline with football updates from the FIFA World Cup, which she attended with her family. Shanaya has shared a set of images in which she is seen posing alongside her brother Jahaan with clear waters and the skyline in the background. In the images, Shanaya is dressed in a blue and grey ensemble while Jahaan is wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. In the caption, she wrote, “Jahaan,” with a yellow heart emoji. Replying to the post, their mother Maheep Kapoor said with heart and amulet emojis. Her Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives co-stars Bhavana Pandey and Seema Kiran Sajdeh also replied with heart emojis.
Sharing more images from the France Vs Morocco match, Shanaya Kapoor said, “It's game day #2! Unforgettable. No better feeling than experiencing the FIFA World Cup with family and friends! [Heart emoji] missed you, Maheep Kapoor.” Maheep Kapoor replied to the post and said, “Missed you guys more. My love.”
Before that Shanaya Kapoor had shared images from Argentina vs Croatia game in which she also offered us a glimpse of football icon David Beckham. She wrote, “Game day (witnessed a FIFA World Cup semi-final game live, Argentina won, I saw [Lionel] Messi score a (goal emoji), and David Beckham waved at us).” Also seen in the post are Jahaan Kapoor and Ananya Panday.
Shanaya Kapoor's debut film Bedhadak is backed by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions.