Film veteran Sharmila Tagore revealed she was pregnant with son Saif during the shoot of Shakti Samanta's Aradhana in a recent interview with The Free Press Journal. Sharmila Tagore and Rajesh Khanna reached new heights of stardom with the film, establishing them as one of the bankable on-screen couples. Sharmila Tagore shared fond memories about her frequent collaborator during the interview. The Gulmohar actress also disclosed Rajesh Khanna's major "problems." Speaking to the publication, Sharmila Tagore said, "Kaka (Rajesh Khanna) and I had two major problems. He came much too late on the sets and our best profile on camera was the same. So when we were in the same frame together Kaka and I were always trying to get the cameraman to shoot our right profile."
Sharing a moment of personal fulfillment, Sharmila Tagore said, "Kaka and I did many films together. We really worked well together. I was pregnant with Saif during Aradhana and with Soha when Kaka and I did Choti Bahu." Apart from these films, Sharmila Tagore also worked with Rajesh Khanna in films like The duo also worked in other successful films like Safar (1970) and Daag (1973).
A few days ago, Sharmila Tagore celebrated her 80th birthday with son Saif, Daughter-in-law Kareena Kapoor, daughters Soha Ali Khan, Saba, and grandchildren Sara, Taimur, Jeh, Inaaya. Soha shared a fun-filled video from the celebrations, allowing us an inside view of their famjam time. Take a look:
Wishing her mother-in-law, Kareena Kapoor shared some pictures on her social media. The caption read, "Who's the coolest Gangsta ever?Do i need to say? Happy birthday to my mother in law. Just the Best.." Take a look:
Sharmila Tagore was last seen in Gulmohar featuring Manoj Bajpayee, Simran. The film won the Best Feature Film in Hindi, Best Screenplay (Dialogues), and Special Mention (feature film) at the 70th National Film Awards.