A video of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli walking inside a hotel lobby has surfaced online. The couple, dressed in their casual best, are escorted by a staff member at Team India's hotel in Bengaluru. India will face the Netherlands in their last group-stage match on Sunday (Diwali Day) at M. Chinnaswamy Stadium. As soon as the clip was shared, fans claimed that the actress “is pregnant.” While Anushka's baby bump is not clearly evident, her oversized dress made fans believe that the actress is pregnant. The video comes a month after rumours regarding her second pregnancy surfaced online (more on that later). A user wrote, “Exactly the same she looked during her first pregnancy.” Another added, “She is pregnant.” A person said, “She is completely pregnant. I think they will announce it after the World Cup…God bless, my favourites.” A few have also dropped red heart eye emojis in the comments. FYI: There is no official statement. As for the World Cup, hosts India have already qualified for the semi-finals. The video was shared by a fan page on Instagram. The text read, “Virushka spending quality time with each other.”
The video comes a month after rumours regarding Anushka Sharma's second pregnancy surfaced online. It all started after a clip of the actress trying to avoid cameras was shared on X (formerly Twitter). In the clip, the actress is seen sitting in a car and asking the paparazzi not to record her.
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are quite particular about their private life. The couple got married in an intimate ceremony in Italy after dating for many years. They welcomed their daughter Vamika in January 2021.
Earlier this year, Virat Kohli talked about how Anushka Sharma's motherhood journey has inspired him. The cricketer said, “I have gotten a lot of inspiration from home. We have had a child. It has been an unbelievably life-changing and transforming process, for parents yes but for a mother especially. For a mother, it's life-changing completely. And how she has been so strong through it and how she has been able to take all the challenges that have come her way. And I have seen everything. I have seen the transformation happen. That gave me so much strength and inspiration to say what I am experiencing is not even 5 per cent of what she has gone through."
Back in 2019, during one of her interviews with Filmfare, Anushka Sharma talked about how rumours of pregnancy could keep filmmakers away. Anushka said, “I'm fortunate this has not happened. It could happen. An actress gets married and the next thing they talk about is, 'Is she pregnant?' When she's dating it's like, 'Shaadi karne wale hai ki nahi?' It's crude. You should allow people to live their life. What's the need to jump the gun? Then put someone in a position where they end up clarifying unnecessarily.”
Anushka Sharma will be next seen in the sports biopic Chakda Xpress.