On Friday, Shehnaaz Gill celebrated her birthday and has shared photos on social media. In the photos, Shehnaaz can be seen wearing a gorgeous pink sequin saree from the shelves of ace designer Manish Malhotra. Shehnaaz Gill rounded off her look with a diamond necklace, matching earrings, and a ring. Shehnaaz kept her makeup minimal and went for pink eyeshadow and nude pink lips. She has kept her hair open. Sharing the photos, Shehnaaz Gill wrote, "making a wish come true . . .how do you feel?" The photos have more than eight lakh likes and are going viral on the web.
Shehnaaz Gill has been styled by Ken Ferns. Her makeup has been done by celebrity makeup artist Ruby Irani. She chose jewellery from Anmol Jewellers and has been photographed by Shivangi Kulkarni. Shehnaaz's fans have left sweet comments for her. From calling her gorgeous, pretty, beautiful, to leaving lit and fire emojis, fans are praising Shehnaaz.
Check out Shehnaaz Gill's latest photos:
Shehnaaz Gill rose to fame after her successful stint in Salman Khan's reality show Bigg Boss 13. After the show, she was a part of various music videos. Not just an actress, Shehnaaz Gill is also a singer and has voiced various Punjabi songs.
Shehnaaz is also all set to perform at the grand finale of Bigg Boss 15. She will be performing on her song, Tu Yahin Hai, which was a tribute to the late Sidharth Shukla, who was Bigg Boss 13's winner and Shehnaaz's close friend.
On the film front, Shehnaaz Gill was last seen in Honsla Rakh co-starring Diljit Dosanjh, and Sonam Bajwa. The film was theatrically released on October 15, 2021.