Actor Shia LaBeouf stunned his co-stars as he repeatedly slashed his own face with a knife while filming Fury.
In the wartime drama, the 28-year-old portrays a tank gunner. (Also Read: Fury's Indian Release Delayed Due to Happy New Year)
His fellow actor, Logan Lerman, was quoted by mirror.co.uk as saying: "We were in make-up and they were putting cuts on Shia and I said, 'Yeah, yeah, it looks good.' And Shia was like, 'No, it doesn't look real'."
"Then he walks out into the hallway and says, 'Hey man, wanna see something fun? Check this out.' and he takes out a knife and cuts his face. And for the whole movie he kept opening these cuts on his face. That's all real."
The Nymphomaniac actor also reportedly insisted on having a dentist remove one of his teeth.
Logan added: "I mean, he didn't do it himself, he did go to a dentist and asked them to pull his tooth out but yeah, what an odd request."