The cast and crew of Bela Sehgal's upcoming film Shirin Farhad Ki Toh Nikal Padi had a rollicking time on the sets. After all with the director, Farah Khan and Boman Irani being big foodies, it was always party time for the folks. Till the very last day of the film's shoot, the sets would be the venue for mini food festivals.
A source from the set says, "Since Boman, Farah and Bela love eating their homemade food, every day it would be a picnic with Parsi and Gujarati food on the sets.
Boman's wife Xenobia would send Parsi food like dhansak, Bela's mother Leela would send theplas and dal dhokli and Farah would get her dabba from home that contained a mix of world cuisine." The source also adds, "That is why Farah could never lose her extra weight and had to finally go in for a tummy tuck!"
A source from the set says, "Since Boman, Farah and Bela love eating their homemade food, every day it would be a picnic with Parsi and Gujarati food on the sets.
Boman's wife Xenobia would send Parsi food like dhansak, Bela's mother Leela would send theplas and dal dhokli and Farah would get her dabba from home that contained a mix of world cuisine." The source also adds, "That is why Farah could never lose her extra weight and had to finally go in for a tummy tuck!"