Actor Shiv Pandit, who plays one of the lead roles in director-producer Anurag Kashyap's next production Shaitan, met with an accident Wednesday when a taxi smashed into his car at Versova here. He was unhurt.
The incident took place at the corner of Kashyap's office lane.
"I was taking a right turn to enter Anurag's lane when this guy just smashed into my car," Shiv told IANS.
"I had to wait for police to come there and write a FIR. The right side of the car is absolutely smashed but luckily I am not hurt," said Shiv.
Directed by Bejoy Nambiar, Shaitan is a story of a group of Mumbai youngsters.
The incident took place at the corner of Kashyap's office lane.
"I was taking a right turn to enter Anurag's lane when this guy just smashed into my car," Shiv told IANS.
"I had to wait for police to come there and write a FIR. The right side of the car is absolutely smashed but luckily I am not hurt," said Shiv.
Directed by Bejoy Nambiar, Shaitan is a story of a group of Mumbai youngsters.