Shraddha Kapoor walked the red carpet at the Red Sea Festival in Jeddah on Monday night. The Stree actress met Spider-Man AKA Andrew Garfield on the red carpet. Pictures and videos from the venue are already viral. The superstars shook hands and engaged in a hearty conversation. For the event, Shraddha Kapoor wore a mermaid gown from the shelves of designer duo Falguni Shane Peacock. Andrew Garfield suited up for the occasion. The pictures, shared on X, drew a meme fest as the Internet was not ready for this epic crossover. An X user wrote, "This looks ai generated WHATT." Another comment read, "Is this real?" Another comment read, "We got Shraddha Kapoor and Andrew Garfield in one frame before gta 6 , no way." Another comment read, "Damn." Take a look:
Shraddha Kapoor and Andrew Garfield in the single Frame 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
— 💭 (@shraddhafan_grl) December 9, 2024
Shraddha Kapoor tasted stupendous success with Stree 2 emerging as the highest grossing Hindi film of all time. The Amar Kaushik directorial is a part of producer Dinesh Vijan's horror-comedy universe, which also includes Roohi, Munjya, Bhediya, and the first instalment of the Stree series. Stree 2 features Shraddha in the female lead and Rajkummar Rao in the male lead. Aparshakti Khurana, Pankaj Tripathi and Abhishek Banerjee are seen in the project.
Speaking about Stree 2's box office success at the NDTV World Summit, Shraddha Kapoor said, "It was a childhood dream...for me to be a part of a film like this was fabulous. The first part [Stree] paved the way for horror-comedy in Bollywood."
Andrew Garfield is known for films like The Social Network, Under the Silver Lake, Tick, Tick... Boom! He made a different fanbase, courtesy his Spider-Man films. From The Amazing Spider-Man to Spider-Man: No Way Home, Andrew Garfield found a young fandom.