Actress Shruti Haasan seems to be having a blast during this lockdown and the proof is her very interesting Instagram game. The actress has been clicking some of the most stunning pictures of herself while staying in her Mumbai house, during the lockdown. Shruti Haasan has been dropping new pictures, one after the other, on Instagram. The latest additions in the actress' feed are her pictures embracing her "own brand of royalty." In the pictures, Shruti Haasan can be seen wearing a chic pink dress and a crown on her head. Shruti paired the outfit with what appears to be rustic chain neckpieces. Sharing the pictures on Instagram, the actress wrote: "Crazy is the head that wears the crown - be your own brand of royalty." Her fans dropped many comments on the post with some calling her "queen."
Take a look at Shruti Haasan's latest pictures here:
In a separate post, Shruti Haasan shared pictures of herself dressed in the same outfit but the pictures are clicked in the neon light.
Check out the pictures here:
Earlier this week, Shruti Haasan's another Instagram entry proved that the actress is too glam to give a damn. In the picture, the 35-year-old actress can be seen in a messy hair look. Calling her "glam game" an epic failure, she wrote: "Clearly I'm getting the whole "glam" thing right #epicfail #toomuchhairdontcare."
Currently, the actress is spending the lockdown period with her boyfriend Santanu Hazarika in Mumbai. Recently, she had shared a collage of pictures of herself and Sanatanu on Instagram. "Locked down with my bestie," she wrote in the caption.
In terms of work, Shruti Haasan was recently seen in Krack. She will next be seen in Saalar co-starring Prabas.