In a recent podcast interview with Rajeev Masand and Anupama Chopra, Sidharth Malhotra said that he can never stop being a "fan" of Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan because the actors "inspire" him a lot. Before making his Bollywood debut in Karan Johar's Student Of The Year, Sidharth was the assistant director of My Name Is Khan and that was the first time he ever talked to Shah Rukh Khan. Sidharth said that he was "nervous" and "scared" to walk up to the actor and start a conversation with him. So, what did he do? "First thing I said to Shah Rukh was on the sets of My Name is Khan. I was very scared, I was very nervous to even walk up to him and chat. We both were waiting and there was an awkward moment, no clue this big star is next to you. I said, 'Sir, aap biscuit khayenge?' He looked at me, smiled and said 'Nahi nahi'. He eventually realised I wanted to be an actor and started talking to me about different things."
During the interview, Sidharth added that he used to watch Shah Rukh Khan and his films with so much of "concentration" and "admiration" that the actor and his works have a "big impression" on him. "I didn't know what it takes to go on the other side and be in that screen. But I think there was so much admiration and so much concentration when I used to watch his scenes... I think there is a big impression of Shah Rukh Khan and his cinema on me," he added.
Sidharth recalled that he met Amitabh Bachchan on the sets of Kaun Banega Crorepati for the first time, when he went there to promote his debut film Student Of The Year with co-stars Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan. "We met him backstage and he was very sweet to me. He shook my hand and patted me on the back. I am still a big Bachchan fan, even when I meet him now and have an immense amount of love for him. That fan boy in me for Shah Rukh or Amitabh Bachchan will never die. They have done such brilliant work to inspire all of us."
On the work front, Sidharth Malhotra has Jabariya Jodi and Maarjaavan in the pipeline.