Days after getting married in a traditional Telugu ceremony, Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya made their first public appearance on Friday. The newlyweds visited the Srisailam Sri Bhramarambha Mallikharjuna Swami temple to seek blessings. Nagarjuna accompanied the couple as well. Naga Chaitanya wore a traditional white vesthi and Sobhita wore a yellow saree. They can be seen smiling and interacting with the paparazzi. The video is already viral on social media. Newlyweds #NagaChaithanya and #SobhitaDhulipalla visited the Srisailam Sri Bhramarambha Mallikharjuna Swami temple today to seek divine blessings. Wishing the couple a blissful journey ahead," the caption read on the video shared on X. Take a look:
Newlyweds #NagaChaithanya and #SobhitaDhulipalla visited the Srisailam Sri Bhramarambha Mallikharjuna Swami temple today to seek divine blessings. Wishing the couple a blissful journey ahead!#SoChay
— Telugu Chitraalu (@TeluguChitraalu) December 6, 2024
Like, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala's engagement announcement, Nagarjuna shared the first official pictures from the wedding on social media last night. Welcoming daughter-in-law Sobhita to the family, the superstar wrote, "Watching Sobhita and Chay begin this beautiful chapter together has been a special and emotional moment for me. Congratulations to my beloved Chay, and welcome to the family dear Sobhita-you've already brought so much happiness into our lives."
Referring to the legacy of the wedding venue, Nagarjuna wrote, "This celebration holds even deeper meaning as it unfolds under the blessings of ANR garu's statue, installed to mark his centenary year. It feels as though his love and guidance are present with us in every step of this journey. I thank the countless blessings showered upon us today with gratitude." Take a look:
Watching Sobhita and Chay begin this beautiful chapter together has been a special and emotional moment for me. 🌸💫 Congratulations to my beloved Chay, and welcome to the family dear Sobhita—you've already brought so much happiness into our lives. 💐
— Nagarjuna Akkineni (@iamnagarjuna) December 4, 2024
This celebration holds…
Naga Chaitanya shared more pictures from the wedding where the newlyweds can be seen posing with the entire family. He wrote, "My heart is overflowing with gratitude. To the media, thank you for your understanding and for giving us the space to cherish this beautiful moment. Your thoughtful respect and kind wishes have added to our joy."
He added, "To our dear friends, family, and fans, your love and blessings have truly made this occasion unforgettable. My son's wedding was not just a family celebration--it became a cherished memory because of the warmth and support you all shared with us."
"From the bottom of our hearts, the Akkineni family thanks you all for the countless blessings you have showered upon us. #SoChay #SobhitaDhulipala @chay_akkineni," he concluded. Take a look:
My heart is overflowing with gratitude. 🙏
— Nagarjuna Akkineni (@iamnagarjuna) December 5, 2024
To the media, thank you for your understanding and for giving us the space to cherish this beautiful moment. Your thoughtful respect and kind wishes have added to our joy.
To our dear friends, family, and fans, your love and blessings…
Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya's pre-wedding festivities began last week. First, they observed Mangalasnanam and haldi ceremony, followed by Pelli Kuthuru (an equivalent of a bridal shower) ceremony. The couple got engaged in August. Naga Chaitanya was earlier married to Samantha Ruth Prabhu