Actress Sonali Bendre, in a throwback kind of a moon on Friday, shared a flashback post, featuring just two of her photos from several years ago. In the caption, Sonali added the reason behind sharing these particular photos. The priceless memories are actually Sonali's shout-out to retro fashion days, a vibe she appears to be missing recently: "The days of matching your lipstick with your outfit." In the photos, Sonali sports a red and white polka dotted ensemble with bright scarlet lips and some chunky earrings - all key elements of retro fashion trends. Sonali's post was showered with a whole lot of love from the likes of Abhishek Bachchan, Patralekhaa, Tahira Kashyap and others. Sonali's throwback photos also sent fans into a tizzy, who couldn't stop posting comments such as "Just magic" and flooding her feed with the red heart icons.
Sonali Bendre's post will make you reach for the polka dotted beauties in your closet, and matching lipsticks too.
Sonali Bendre, who is a cancer survivor, is a true blue fan of throwbacks. In a blast from the past post earlier in April, the 45-year-old actress revealed the message she would like to give her 20-year-old self. "If I could go back and say something to the 20-year-old me then that would be to never lose hope and remember to switch on the sunshine."
In 2018, Sonali Bendre underwent treatment for cancer in New York, where she was accompanied by her filmmaker husband Goldie Behl and was frequently visited by their son Ranveer. She returned to Mumbai in December that year. In a recent interview with news agency PTI, Goldie Behl said that he put his upcoming films on hold after Sonali's cancer diagnosis: "I am focusing more on my energies, ever since 2018, after I went to New York with Sonali, it was a life-altering situation for all of us."