Sonam Kapoor painted Instagram red with her mushy appreciation posts for "the best husband in the world" - Anand Ahuja. The actress, on Thursday, shared two cute photographs of Anand Ahuja playing adorably with a puppy and accompanied them with loved-up notes, in which she was all praise for him. "Appreciation post for the best husband in the world who handles my emotions like a pro and loves me unconditionally. I love you, Anand Ahuja and I'm so grateful for you," she captioned one of the photos while for another picture, in which Anand can be seen holding the pup in his arms, Sonam wrote: "Why is this so cute?"
Take a look at Sonam Kapoor's posts here:
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja recently celebrated their second wedding anniversary and on the occasion, the duo shared beautiful wishes for each other. Sonam posted their first ever picture together that they clicked four years ago and wrote: "Our first picture together... 4 years ago today I met a vegan who could do complicated yoga positions and speak about retail and business with the same ease. I found him unbelievably cool and sexy. He still makes my heart race and grounds me at the same time. Nothing compares to you Anand. Your compassion, kindness, generosity and smarts are incredibly attractive but so is your moodiness and your annoying perfectionism," read an excerpt from her post.
Anand Ahuja made the day special for the actress by wishing her like this: "Don't need anything more - Sonam, my girlfriend, my partner, my wife, my world, my queen, my 'Lola' ... today and every day."
On the work front, Sonam Kapoor has featured in films like Saawariya, Delhi-6, I Hate Luv Storys, Aisha, Mausam, Raanjhanaa, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, Khoobsurat, Dolly Ki Doli, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo and Neerja. She was last seen in the 2019 film The Zoya Factor, co-starring Dulquer Salmaan and Angad Bedi. The actress has not announced her upcoming projects as of now.