Sonam Kapoor shared the sweetest birthday post for her mother-in-law Priya Ahuja on her Instagram profile on Thursday. Sonam might have been a day late in wishing her mother-in-law on social media but we cannot overlook the fact that her post in really adorable. The Neerja actress shared a lovely picture of herself and Priya Ahuja and wrote an adorable caption along with it. In her post, Sonam addressed Priya Ahuja as the "best mom-in-law." "Happy birthday mom... You're the best in the whole world. Missing home and food and pampering. Love you lots," read the caption on Sonam's post. She added the hashtags "#bestmominlaw, #birthdaygirl, #27feb" and "#youngestparent."
Take a look at Sonam Kapoor's post here:
Sonam Kapoor married her longtime boyfriend Anand Ahuja in May last year, after which the couple hosted a starry reception for their industry friends. Anand Ahuja is an entrepreneur. He runs the fashion label Bhane and the sneaker boutique VegNonVeg.
Sonam Kapoor is currently busy with the shooting of The Zoya Factor, co-starring Dulquer Salmaan, which is based on Anuja Chauhan's bestselling novel of the same name. The film is being directed by Abhishek Sharma and it is expected to release on April 5, 2019.
Sonam Kapoor's last release was Shelly Chopra Dhar's Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, co-starring Anil Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, Juhi Chawla and Regina Cassandra.