Anil Kapoor's 53rd birthday (December 24) will be celebrated tomorrow by his children Rhea and Harsh along with Anil's wife Sunita. Sonam and her siblings planned to make this birthday really special for their pa. After a long time, it looked like the entire family would be together this year on his birthday.
Anil is in the country, and his son Harsh, who is studying in the US, is home for the holidays. However, Sonam who is currently shooting in Punjab for Mausam couldn't take a day off to be with her family.
It is learnt that the actress requested director Pankaj Kapur for permission to fly down to Mumbai for a day but as she is shooting combination shots with Shahid Kapur, it looks difficult. The source adds, "But she is part of the planning and has been constantly on the phone with the siblings. Everything from the guestlist to the menu has been planned and mom Sunita has been kept in the loop.
The menu will include Christmas goodies, too. A huge Christmas tree has been bought and stands proudly in the Kapoor home." The Kapoor family has always celebrated Christmas by default because it is on the same day as Anil's birthday.
"This year, Anil wanted just a family dinner but then the children wanted to make it special for their father and planned a bash. They've invited all AK's friends: Salman Khan, Indra Kumar, Ashok Thakeria, Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar, etc. Last year, there was no party as Sonam was out shooting and Rhea was busy with Aisha."
The Kapoor girls are gifting their dad an Italian suit. Every year, they give him a joint gift.
Anil is in the country, and his son Harsh, who is studying in the US, is home for the holidays. However, Sonam who is currently shooting in Punjab for Mausam couldn't take a day off to be with her family.
It is learnt that the actress requested director Pankaj Kapur for permission to fly down to Mumbai for a day but as she is shooting combination shots with Shahid Kapur, it looks difficult. The source adds, "But she is part of the planning and has been constantly on the phone with the siblings. Everything from the guestlist to the menu has been planned and mom Sunita has been kept in the loop.
The menu will include Christmas goodies, too. A huge Christmas tree has been bought and stands proudly in the Kapoor home." The Kapoor family has always celebrated Christmas by default because it is on the same day as Anil's birthday.
"This year, Anil wanted just a family dinner but then the children wanted to make it special for their father and planned a bash. They've invited all AK's friends: Salman Khan, Indra Kumar, Ashok Thakeria, Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar, etc. Last year, there was no party as Sonam was out shooting and Rhea was busy with Aisha."
The Kapoor girls are gifting their dad an Italian suit. Every year, they give him a joint gift.