After Akshay Kumar announced the release date of Soorarai Pottru Hindi remake on Tuesday, Suriya, who featured in the original, gave a huge shout out to the film on Twitter on Wednesday. Announcing the release date, Akshay Kumar wrote: "We are ready for take off. Production No. 27 (Untitled) releases in theatres worldwide on 1st September, 2023." On Wednesday, Suriya, tagging Akshay Kumar, Radhika Madan and Paresh Rawal in the tweet, wished them luck and he wrote: "Here's to seeing Production No. 27 SOAR on September 1st 2023. Good Luck Team."
See Suriya's tweet here:
Here's to seeing Production No. 27 SOAR on September 1st 2023. Good Luck Team. @akshaykumar#RadhikaMadan@SirPareshRawal
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) March 22, 2023
@Sudha_Kongara@CaptGopinath #Jyotika @vikramix @rajsekarpandian @gvprakash @nikethbommi@Abundantia_Ent@CapeOfGoodFilm @2D_ENTPVTLTD
This is what Akshay Kumar tweeted earlier:
We are ready for take off!
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) March 21, 2023
Production No. 27 (Untitled) releases in theatres worldwide on 1st September, 2023. #RadhikaMadan@SirPareshRawal@Sudha_Kongara #Jyotika@Suriya_offl @vikramix @rajsekarpandian @Abundantia_Ent@2D_ENTPVTLTD@CaptGopinath@sikhyaent@gvprakash
Meanwhile, Suriya will also have a cameo appearance in the Hindi remake of Soorarai Pottru. Last year, Suriya posted a picture from the sets of the film on social media and he wrote: "Akshay Kumar sir to see you as Vir was nostalgic! Sudha Kongara can see our story beautifully coming alive again. Enjoyed every minute with team Soorarai Pootru Hindi in a brief cameo."
Soorarai Pottru won multiple awards at last year's National Film Awards. Suriya won Best Actor for his performance in the film. Aparna Balamurali won Best Actress for the film. Soorarai Pottru also won Best Feature Film, Best Screenplay and Best Background Score. Directed by Sudha Kongara, the film was based on the life of Simplify Deccan founder Captain GR Gopinath.