National Award-winning Tamil director SP Jananathan died on Sunday. Mourning the filmmaker, actress Shruti Haasan, who was working with him on the forthcoming film Laabam, wrote on Twitter: "It is with the heaviest heart that we say good bye to #SPJananathan sir - it was a pleasure working with you sir. Thank you for your wisdom and kind words you will always be in my thoughts! My deepest condolences to his family." The exact cause of SP Jananathan's death has not been revealed yet but it has been reported that the director was found unconscious at his home on Thursday, after which he was admitted to a Chennai hospital, where he died due to cardiac arrest on Sunday.
Take a look at Shruti Haasan's tribute to SP Jananathan here:
It is with the heaviest Heart that We say good bye to #SPJananathan sir - it was a pleasure working with you sir Thankyou for your wisdom and kind words you will always be in my thoughts ! My deepest condolences to his family
— shruti haasan (@shrutihaasan) March 14, 2021
Music composer D Imman also remembered SP Jananathan in an emotional tweet that read: "#Laabam director #SPJananathan is no more... Incidentally he passed away on the death anniversary of social revolutionary #KarlMarx, who was his role model. We miss you sir." D Imman was also working on Laabam.
#Laabam director #SPJananathan , is no more... Incidentally he passed away on the death anniversary of social revolutionary #KarlMarx , who was his role model.We miss you sir.#RIP
— D.IMMAN (@immancomposer) March 14, 2021
Director Mohan Raja mourned SP Jananathan with these words: "So heartbreaking this is...RIP #SPJananathan sir...Such an inspiration to me and many. A great soul to be remembered always."
So heartbreaking this is..
— Mohan Raja (@jayam_mohanraja) March 14, 2021
RIP #SPJananathan sir..
Such an inspiration to me n many
A great soul to be remembered always
SP Jananathan is known for directing films like Peranmai and Iyarkai, for which he won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Tamil.
He was recently working on Laabam, which stars Vijay Sethupathi, Shruti Haasan, Jagapathi Babu, Sai Dhanshika and Kalaiyarasan. The music for the film has been composed by D Imman, who previously worked with SP Jananathan on a couple of films.