Tahira Kashyap, who is currently in her hometown Chandigarh, has actively been sharing posts from her life there. On Wednesday, she added another post to her Chandigarh diaries. The author revealed in her Instagram post that she is "not an early riser" but she has been trying to work towards it. She went for a quick jog early in the morning and shared pictures on Instagram. Tahira captioned her post: "New determinations! Towards a fitter self. Not waiting for new year! Early morning at the lake for a quick jog/walk for the first time (not an early riser, but now working towards it) Sun being the only filter #lake #nofilter #earlymorning."
See Tahira Kashyap's post here
On Tuesday, Tahira added a dash of humour to her post and she wrote: "Grapes are sour, I still haven't had a shower. #winterishere #homegrowngrapes."
On Karwa Chauth, Tahira shared a glimpse of her FaceTime festivities with husband Ayushmann Khurrana and she wrote: "Opening up my heart to the moon! Within the same city and yet a long distance one this year too. FaceTiming this day has become an every year ritual. Clicked by the 8 year old who told me how to pose for this one."
Tahira Kashyap has written four books. Her latest book is called The 12 Commandments Of Being A Woman. Tahira wrote her first book I Promise in 2011, followed by her next novel Souled Out. She also co-authored husband Ayushmann Khurrana's biography Cracking The Code: My Journey In Bollywood. She has also has directed short films like Pinni and Toffee.