Director SS Rajamouli and his son SS Karthikeya experienced an earthquake in Japan. The director, Karthikeya and film producer Shobu Yarlagadda were in Japan for a special screening of the 2022 film RRR. On Thursday morning, Karthikeya dropped a picture of his smartwatch cautioning him of an earthquake alert, on X (formerly Twitter). While sharing the warning, Karthikeya revealed that the trio were on the 28th floor when they felt an earthquake. The “emergency alert” on Karthikeya's smart watch read, “Earthquake Early Warning: Strong shaking is expected soon. Stay calm and seek shelter nearby. (Japan Meteorological Agency).” Sharing the picture, Karthikeya wrote, “Felt a freaking earthquake in Japan just now!!! Was on the 28th floor and slowly the ground started to move and took us a while to realise it was an earthquake. I was just about to panic but all the Japanese around did not budge as if it just started to rain!! Experience an earthquake box ticked.”
Check out SS Karthikeya's post here:
Meanwhile, SS Rajamouli's RRR received much love from Japan. Earlier, the director dropped a couple of pictures of an 83-year-old woman who gifted him thousands of origami cranes for good luck. In one of the clicks, the RRR director can be seen posing with the woman. Sharing the picture, he wrote, “In Japan, they make origami cranes and gift them to their loved ones for good luck and health. This 83-year-old woman made 1000 of them to bless us because #RRR made her happy. She just sent the gift and was waiting outside in the cold. Some gestures can never be repaid. Just grateful...”
Before this, SS Rajamouli said that the Malayalam film industry produces "better actors" than other Indian film industries. The director made this statement while attending the success party of the Malayalam film Premalu in Hyderabad. It must be noted that Rajamouli's son, SS Karthikeya, took over the dubbing rights for the romantic comedy, after which the film's Telugu version was released on March 8. Talking about it, Rajamouli said, "It is with jealousy and pain that I admit the Malayalam film industry produces better actors. In this film too, they did a fantastic job.” He added, “It's meant to be watched in theatres because it's hilarious when the people next to you laugh, you enjoy it more.”
Before that, SS Rajamouli also wrote a note on X to share his thoughts on Premalu. The director said, “So glad Karthikeya did #Premalu in Telugu. It was a laugh riot throughout. The writer did a fab job in getting the meme/youth language perfectly right. I liked the girl, Reenu in the trailer itself. In the film even the boy Sachin is lovable. But my fav is Aadi..JK..Just Kidding.”
Talking about RRR, the SS Rajamouli directorial hit the theatres in 2022 and features Ram Charan and Jr NTR in prominent roles.