SS Rajamouli is "truly overwhelmed" and he has all the reason to be as well. After the historic win at the Oscars, RRR's Naatu Naatu fever has taken over the world and how. On Monday, a video surfaced on the internet which showed Tesla cars performing a light show on the beats of the foot-tapping Oscar-winning song. The viral video was shared by RRR Movie on their Twitter account. In the video clip, several Tesla cars were seen lighting up to the beats of the groovy track in New Jersey. Reacting to the wonderful tribute, RRR director SS Rajamouli said this. "Truly overwhelmed by this tribute to #NaatuNaatu from New Jersey! Thank you Vamsi Koppuravuri, #NASAA, People Media Factory, and everyone associated with this incredible and ingeniousTesla Light Show...:) It was a stunning show.#RRRMovie Elon Musk.
Take a look at the stunning light show:
Now see SS Rajamouli's reaction here:
A few days back, RRR director SS Rajamouli uploaded a picture from the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party that took place in Los Angeles. RRR scripted history as the insanely viral track Naatu Naatu from the film became the first Indian song to win an Oscar in the Best Original Song category. In the picture posted by SS Rajamouli, he and Oscar-winning composer MM Keeravaani can be seen smiling widely.
See the post shared by SS Rajamouli here:
It is no surprise that RRR has been ruling the international award season. At the Critics' Choice Awards in Los Angeles this year, RRR won two awards - Best Foreign Language Film and Best Original Song for Naatu Naatu. Naatu Naatu also won Best Song at the 80th Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles this year. It also won 4 big awards at the Hollywood Critics Association Awards, including one for the Oscar-winning Naatu Naatu.