Filmmaker SS Rajamouli, on Monday, took the "Be the real man" challenge and shared the video on his Twitter profile. 'Be the real man' challenge is aimed to break the stereotype and encourage men to help women in household chores. SS Rajamouli was nominated by the Telugu filmmaker Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Tagging Sandeep Reddy, SS Rajamouli wrote, "Task done, Sandeep Singh Vanga." Interestingly, the 46-year-old filmmaker further nominated the actors of his upcoming epic thriller RRR, Ram Charan and N T Rama Rao Jr."Throwing the challenge to Ram Charan and N T Rama Rao Jr. And let's have some more fun." He further nominated Telugu film producer Shobu Yarlagadda, filmmaker Sukumar Bandreddi and music composer MM Keeravaani. He wrapped his tweet saying, "I am also challenging Shobu Yarlagadda, Sukumar Bandreddi and MM Keeravaani."
In the video, SS Rajamouli can be seen brooming his room, cleaning the window and the door and mopping the floor. In the later part of the video, he can be seen posing with a broom behind his wife, Rama Rajamouli.
Task done, @imvangasandeep. Throwing the challenge to @tarak9999 and @AlwaysRamCharan..
— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) April 20, 2020
And lets have some moooreee fun..
Am also challenging @Shobu_ garu, sukku @aryasukku and peddanna @mmkeeravaani.. #BetheREALMAN
Earlier, Sandeep Reddy Vanga had shared his 'be the real man' challenge video on his Twitter profile and wrote, "Man can be a great domestic worker and a real man will never let his woman work all by herself especially during this no maid times and quarantine. Please help in domestic work."
Man can be a great domestic worker and a real man will never let his woman work all by herself specially during this No maid times & Quarantine.
— Sandeep Reddy Vanga (@imvangasandeep) April 19, 2020
Please help in domestic work #BetheREALMAN
I request @ssrajamouli sir to pass it on and inspire more by uploading a video :-)
On the work front, RRR is Rajamouli's first project since he directed the 2017 superhit Baahubali 2: The Conclusion. RRR, which boasts of its pan-India cast ensemble, includes Ram Charan, N T Rama Rao Jr, Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn among others. Written and directed by SS Rajamouli, the film went on floors in November, 2018.