Suchitra Sen is on constant oxygen support
The condition of veteran actress Suchitra Sen, admitted to a hospital three weeks ago followingacute breathing problems, remains unchanged but she has grownextremely weak, doctors attending on her said today.
"She is critical but stable and her condition has notdeteriorated," critical care specialist Dr Subrata Maitra toldreporters here.
He said they are giving the 82-year-old actress constantoxygen support, nebulisation and chest physiotherapy at aprivate cabin of the ITU (Intensive Treatment Unit) of thesuper-speciality Belle Vue Clinic.
Doctors said besides age, diabetes and thyroid is alsoworking against her but they have not yet decided to put heron invasive ventilation.
"She doesn't like that we take her blood for testing toooften. So whatever we are doing is after taking her consent,"said Dr Maitra, who is leading a medical board which ismonitoring the health of its star patient round-the-clock.A medical bulletin issued by the hospital said hercardiac status remains stable.
She is having naso-gastric tube feeding and remainsextremely weak.Her blood reports and oxygen saturation level arefound to be satisfactory.
The actress was admitted there on December 23 following arespiratory tract infection which later on culminated intoCOPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) giving herbreathing difficulties.
She is conscious and communicating with her family memberslike daughter-actress Moon Moon Sen who is staying most of thetime at the hospital.
Mrs Sen has starred in memorable Hindi films like Devdas,Aandhi and Saat Paake Bandha, Agnipariksha, Saptapadiand Deep Jwele Jai in Bengali.
"She is critical but stable and her condition has notdeteriorated," critical care specialist Dr Subrata Maitra toldreporters here.
He said they are giving the 82-year-old actress constantoxygen support, nebulisation and chest physiotherapy at aprivate cabin of the ITU (Intensive Treatment Unit) of thesuper-speciality Belle Vue Clinic.
Doctors said besides age, diabetes and thyroid is alsoworking against her but they have not yet decided to put heron invasive ventilation.
"She doesn't like that we take her blood for testing toooften. So whatever we are doing is after taking her consent,"said Dr Maitra, who is leading a medical board which ismonitoring the health of its star patient round-the-clock.A medical bulletin issued by the hospital said hercardiac status remains stable.
She is having naso-gastric tube feeding and remainsextremely weak.Her blood reports and oxygen saturation level arefound to be satisfactory.
The actress was admitted there on December 23 following arespiratory tract infection which later on culminated intoCOPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) giving herbreathing difficulties.
She is conscious and communicating with her family memberslike daughter-actress Moon Moon Sen who is staying most of thetime at the hospital.
Mrs Sen has starred in memorable Hindi films like Devdas,Aandhi and Saat Paake Bandha, Agnipariksha, Saptapadiand Deep Jwele Jai in Bengali.