The desi Archies gang was pictured at filmmaker Zoya Akhtar's Mumbai residence on Thursday night. Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda, singer songwriter Aditi Saigal, who goes by her stage name Dot, was also pictured outside Zoya Akhtar's house. Yuvraj Menda was also pictured at the filmmaker's house. Khushi Kapoor, who stars as Betty in the film, was MIA from the get together. Earlier this week, the team of The Acrhies attended the film's wrap party in Mumbai. Speaking of Suhana, Agastya and Khushi Kapoor's debut project, the Hindi adaptation of The Archie comics will be co-produced by Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti and Sharad Devarajan under their production houses Tiger Baby and Graphic India. It will release on Netflix.
See the photos of Suhana Khan here:
Dot pictured outside Zoya Akhtar's house.
Agastya Nanda, Yuvraj Menda at the get-together.
The adventures of Archie Andrews and his squad including Veronica, Betty, Jughead and Reggie, have been immortalised by several adaptions of films and cartoon series. The character Archie Andrews first appeared in the Pep Comics and gained insane popularity in as a standalone character in the pop culture. We would love to see what the Indian adaptation of the series has in store.
Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda and Khushi Kapoor all belong to families of actors. Suhana Khan is daughter of superstar Shah Rukh Khan and interior decorator Gauri Khan. Khushi Kapoor is the daughter of late superstar Sridevi and film producer Boney Kapoor. Her sister Janhvi Kapoor also features in Bollywood films. Agastya Nanda, son of Shweta Bachchan and Nikhil Nanda, is the grandson of megastar Amitabh Bachchan.