Nitesh Tiwari's ambitious project, Ramayana, has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced. But the cast of the two-part movie was not revealed by the makers. Recently, Ranbir confirmed that he is a part of the movie at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah. And now at a recently held media event, actor Sunny Deol, too, confirmed being a part of the movie. He also spoke about the large scale on which the magnum opus is being made.
Sunny Deol was present at the event with his brother Bobby Deol, who previously worked with Ranbir Kapoor in the 2023 blockbuster Animal. Speaking about his experience of working in the film, the Gadar actor revealed, "Ramayana is a long project because they're trying to make it the way Avatar and Planet of the Apes movies were made. All those technicians are a part of it. The writer and director are very clear about the way it has to be and how the characters should be presented."
"You will also get to see the special effects that will make you believe that it (the events unfolding) has very genuinely happened rather than making one feel that these are special effects. To be honest, I'm very sure it's going to be great and I'm sure that everybody will love it," Sunny added.
Conjecture suggests that Sunny will play the role of Lord Hanuman in the movie, but the actor made no comments about this.
This revelation has added to the anticipation around the movie. Earlier at the Red Sea Film Festival, Ranbir revealed that he had completed filming the first part of the franchise. He said, "It has two parts. I have finished the shooting of Part 1 and will shoot Part 2 soon. Just to be a part of that story, I am so humbled to essay Ram's role. It's a dream for me. It's a film that has everything. It teaches what Indian culture is about - family dynamics and husband-wife dynamics."