This Article is From Nov 22, 2013

Susan Sarandon: I can play a 'stupid' tourist in Indian film

Susan Sarandon: I can play a 'stupid' tourist in Indian film
Susan Sarandon is attending the 44th India International Film Festival (IFFI) in Goa.
Panaji: Not having enough knowledge aboutIndian cinema, acclaimed Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon saysif she is ever offered a film here she would have to satisfyherself with the role of a "stupid American tourist".

"I would love to make a film here in India. I have notdecided on the subject as of now. It could be inspired by arelative who lived for some time in India. I would not minddoing a role in a Bollywood film if it came my way provided itis appropriate," Sarandon said in an interview.

"But I would not like to take a job away from any Indianactress. I hope makers give me a role of an American. Probablysome stupid American tourist that comes here and does notspeak the language," she added.

The 67-year-old actress-activist has been working activelyin Hollywood for the past four decades and has takenoccasional breaks to have her three children- sons Jack, Milesand daughter Eva.

Sarandon, who won the Oscar for Best Actress for her rolein Dead Man Walking, says she has enjoyed every moment ofher celebrity status till date -- be it the accolades or thepaparazzi.

"Being in films is a great job. I have no regrets orcomplain. The complaint about lack of privacy is a completenonsense. I think you can use your celebrity status to givevoice to the voiceless," said Sarandon, who has been workingin the field of youth advocacy since 1999 as UNICEF Goodwillambassador.

The multiple award winner says among all her films shecherishes Dead Man Walking the most since she had not onlystarred in it but also helped produce the film adaptation ofthe book by anti-death penalty crusader Sister Helen Prejean,a Louisiana-based nun, who was the spiritual counselor toMathew Poncelet, an unprecedented Death Row killer, played onscreen by Sean Penn.

UNICEF's programme on gender discrimination took her allover India but not to Kerala and Goa, where she inauguratedthe 44th India International Film Festival (IFFI) and says sheis now looking forward to a day off to explore Goa on therecommendation of Latin singing sensation Ricky Martin.

"Ricky Martin strongly recommended me to visit Goa. Hetold me that this is the best place to unwind and he has greatfun whenever he comes down here," Sarandon said.