Sushant Singh Rajput's last film Dil Bechara will release on Disney+Hotstar on July 24, the makers said on Thursday, upsetting fans of the actor. Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his Mumbai residence on June 14. Sushant died by suicide, say the police, who are carrying out an investigation. Soon after the release date announcement on Thursday, Dil Bechara found a top spot on Twitter trends with fans criticising the makers' decision to release it on an OTT platform instead of reserving the film for theatres, for when things go back to normal. "This is not fair. We want Dil Bechara to release in theatres, so that we'll get a chance to make his last film a blockbuster as tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput," said a tweet while another added: "I wanted it to release in theatres but the world isn't the place where our every wish gets fulfilled."
This is not fair
— Ravindra (@Ravindra9101999) June 25, 2020
We want #DilBechara to release in theaters, so that we'll get a chance to make his last film a #Blockbuster as Tribute to our #SushantSinghRajput which will be a tight slap to all those #BollywoodMAFIA .... !!
I wanted it to release in theatre but the world isn't the place where our every wish gets fulfilled. I wanted to cheer for him for One Last Time but it's fine. At least they'll release it. Be ready to cry your heart out guys. #DilBechara
— Kashaf (@kashaf_k25) June 25, 2020
So movie is releasing on 24th july but I want a theatre release
— Radhika (@Radhika19174900) June 25, 2020
This is ridiculous #DilBechara #DilBecharaOnBigScreen
We all want to see #DilBechara in theatres not at ott platform.
— Utkarsh Singh (@kutkarshsingh) June 25, 2020
Its not fair
In more tweets, users called out Fox Star Studios, which is producing Dil Bechara and has previously backed Sushant's films such as Chhichhore and MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, for releasing Sushant's last film on Disney+Hotstar. "I want a theatre release. This is ridiculous," tweeted an angry user while another added: "We all want to see Dil Bechara in theatres, not on OTT platform. It's not fair." Another fan of the late actor summed up the emotion on Twitter and wrote: "At least one more... last time... let us watch him on the big screen." Sushant's fans want to honour the late actor with a standing ovation as a final farewell, said a tweet: "Release it in theatres so that we can at least give him standing ovation for his work."
#DilBechara for which Everyone is waiting for releasing on Hotstar!!! Shame on @foxstarhindi
— Thakur Dev Panwar (@ThakurDevPanwa1) June 25, 2020
We want this movie Only on cinemas!!! This should be released in theaters.. #IndiaDemandsCBIForSSR#wewantdilbecharaonbigscreen
No that's not done.We want #DilBecharaOnBigScreen !! Please convey our messages to the producer & director of the movie. This is the last movie of #SushantSinghRajput atleast one more last time let us watch him on the Big Sceen #DilBechara #SushantSinghRajput
— NAKUL GANESHRAO MORE (@morenakul) June 25, 2020
C'mon yaar we don't want it on any OTT platforms. Its @itsSSR 's last movie and we want it BIG!!! Release it in theaters so that we can atleast give him standing ovation for his work!! :')))#ourherosushant #DilBechara #disneyplushotstar
— Bhavya (@kbhavyaa) June 25, 2020
Dil Bechara marks the directorial debut of casting director Mukesh Chhabra, who was a close friend of Sushant. In an emotional post sharing the film's release date, Mukesh Chhabra wrote Sushant kept his promise to him: "Sushant was not just the hero of my debut film as a director but he was a dear friend who stood by me through thick and thin. We had been close right from Kai Po Che to Dil Bechara. He had promised me that he would be in my first film."
Dil Bechara is said to be based on John Green's novel The Fault In Our Stars. The film will also mark actress Sanjana Sanghi's debut in a lead role, who shared several heart-touching tributes to Sushant after his death. The film also stars actress Swastika Mukherjee and will feature Saif Ali Khan in a cameo.
Meanwhile, as lockdown restrictions are being eased, Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar had said that a decision was to be taken about reopening of cinema halls after assessing the status of the coronavirus pandemic in the country this month.