Tamil actor Mansoor Ali Khan, who has acted with top stars including Rajinikanth and Vijayakanth,was arrested today on land grab charges, police said.
Mansoor Ali Khan was picked up from his house by a police team basedon a complaint from one V Duraivelu who alleged that the actorhad illegally constructed a 16-storeyed property on his 1247sq.ft of land at Arumbakkam here, an official release said.
The actor had also threatened the complainant when he hadfirst objected to his encroaching the land, the release said,adding, a team of officials from the Central Crime Branch ofthe Chennai Police arrested Khan.
Duraivelu had purchased the land for Rs 2.60 lakh in 1994whose current market value was Rs one crore,the release said.
Khan has starred as villain in many Tamil films.
Mansoor Ali Khan was picked up from his house by a police team basedon a complaint from one V Duraivelu who alleged that the actorhad illegally constructed a 16-storeyed property on his 1247sq.ft of land at Arumbakkam here, an official release said.
The actor had also threatened the complainant when he hadfirst objected to his encroaching the land, the release said,adding, a team of officials from the Central Crime Branch ofthe Chennai Police arrested Khan.
Duraivelu had purchased the land for Rs 2.60 lakh in 1994whose current market value was Rs one crore,the release said.
Khan has starred as villain in many Tamil films.