On Sunday, Akshay appeared to have represented Bollywood in Lord's all by himself - he arrived in the stands mid-way through the match. What he tweeted for Team India after is adorable: "Even broken hearts can laugh! These women have started a revolution and I couldn't be more proud." "Well played Women In Blue, it's been an incredible journey and you will always be an inspiration for girls across India," Priyanka wrote on Twitter while Shraddha also tweeted to say: "It's OK team India. You girls made it to the finals!!! That in itself is such a proud moment. #WomensWorldCup2017 Girl power all the way." Shahid also rooted for Team India: "This team has woken us all up to women's cricket in India. Great game girls. Almost had it."
T 2494 - Until you loose, you shall never know the joy of victory ! Well played ladies .. Bhartiya Nari Zindabad !! WWC17 pic.twitter.com/Ghxkou5Nn4
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) July 23, 2017
I wish I was there to give the Lovely Ladies a hug. Be proud girls we have achieved greatness today. @BCCIWomen u made all Indians proud.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) July 23, 2017
Even Broken Hearts Can Laugh!!
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) July 23, 2017
These Women have started a revolution & I couldn't be more proud #WWC17Final pic.twitter.com/gVfHI08XHi
Proud of the girls in blue !!! #WWC17Final #IndvsEng
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) July 24, 2017
This team has woken us all up to women's cricket in india. Great game girls. Almost had it. #proud
— Shahid Kapoor (@shahidkapoor) July 23, 2017
Well played #WomenInBlue, it's been an incredible journey and you will always be an inspiration for girls across India... #WWC17Final
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) July 23, 2017
Hard luck girls. We are all still immensely proud of you. #BleedBlue #WWC17Final #JaiHind
— Abhishek Bachchan (@juniorbachchan) July 23, 2017
Salute the determination & passion shown by the women in blue! Tough luck. But girls, you've won our hearts @BCCIWomen #WWC17
— Anushka Sharma (@AnushkaSharma) July 23, 2017
It's OK team India. You girls made it to the finals!!! That in itself is such a proud moment. #WomensWorldCup2017 Girl power all.the.way
— Shraddha (@ShraddhaKapoor) July 23, 2017
Meanwhile, Rishi Kapoor's tweet is pure nostalgia and all of us, actually.
Waiting for a repeat of Sourav Ganguly's act on the balcony of The Lords Ground,London,when India beat England 2002 NatWest series final! YO pic.twitter.com/z1XAde3JLb
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) July 23, 2017
Here's a review of Team India's performance from Sachin Tendulkar.
Feel for all of you, #WomenInBlue! You were good throughout but sometimes it is not meant to be. Congrats England on winning #WWC17Final!
— sachin tendulkar (@sachin_rt) July 23, 2017
This is what Akshay shared on his way to the stadium:
This is how excited I am, never in my life have I run for a train barefoot to make it in time for a match!! Come on #WomenInBlue #WWC17Final pic.twitter.com/hYFhTrP6eZ
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) July 23, 2017
Team India was headlined by opener Punam Raut and Harmanpreet Kaur at the Women's World Cup final with some spectacular fast bowling by Jhulan Goswami. This is the second time the women's team made it to the finals for the Women's World Cup after 2005.
Congratulations Team India for a brilliant performance. More power to you!