Kangana Ranaut's team announced the actress' next project on social media on Instagram, on Monday morning. In her forthcoming film Tejas, the actress will be seen playing a pilot. The makers released the first look from the film and powerful can't even begin to describe it. Dressed in a flying suit, the actress can be seen standing next to an aircraft, in the photograph. Sharing Kangana's look from the film, the makers wrote: "For all the brave hearted and strong headed women in uniform who make sacrifices for our nation day in and day out. Kangana to play an Air Force pilot in her next titled Tejas." The film will be produced by Ronnie Screwvala and it will be directed by Sarvesh Mewara. The film is slated to release in April, 2021.
Take a look at Kangana Ranaut's look here:
Speaking of the project, Kangana Ranaut told Mumbai Mirror, "Very often, the sacrifices made by our brave women in uniform go unnoticed by the nation. Tejas is a film where I have the honour of playing the role of one such Air Force pilot who puts country before self. I hope we instill a sense of patriotism and pride in the youth of today with this movie. I'm looking forward to the journey with Sarvesh and Ronnie on this one."
On the work front, Kangana Ranaut was last seen in the sports drama Panga, co-starring Richa Chadha, Neena Gupta and Jassie Gill. The actress also has Jayalalithaa's biopic Thalaivi, in the pipeline.