Jaane Tu ...Ya Jaane Na actor Ayaz Khan and his wife Jannat Khan revealed the face of their three-month-old daughter Dua, to the world by posting some adorable family pictures. The actor on Thursday dropped some adorable images of their newborn baby girl, who was born in December last year. The couple posed with its daughter in one photo and also shared a single photo of the baby, who looked cute as a button in a pink hairband. Sharing the images, the couple wrote, "Meet our greatest blessing… Dua."
As soon as the pictures were uploaded, the couple's industry friends flooded their comments section with best wishes. Actor Niti Taylor commented, "Love, love the name and so cute..." Actors Aashka Goradia and Yuvika Chaudhary dropped a bunch of heart eyes emojis. Actor Kishwer Merchant wrote, “Itni (so) pretty Dua.”
Take a look at the post here:
Notably, this comes a day after their friends, Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu and her husband Karan Singh Grover revealed their daughter Devi's face to the world. Introducing their baby to the world, Bipasha Basu kept the caption simple and just wrote, “Hello world … I am Devi,” followed by a heart emoji and a slew of evil-eye amulet emoticons. She also added Devi's full name as a hashtag – Devi Basu Singh Grover. Bipasha Basu welcomed Devi, her first child with Karan in November, last year.
TV actor Ayaz Khan and his wife Jannat welcomed their first child, a daughter Dua Husain Khan on December 21. Now, congratulating her friends and new parents Ayaz and Jannat, Bipasha Basu shared a picture of the newborn along with a sweet note on her Instagram. She wrote, "Dua. She is here to fill all our lives with love and happiness. Congratulations to @jannatkhan1618 & my dearest @ayazkhan701. Can't wait to witness the adventures of Devi & Dua. Two strawberries #scorpio #capricorn." In November, Bipasha also welcomed a daughter Devi.
Here have a look at Bipasha's post:
Bipasha Basu-Karan Singh Grover and Ayaz-Jannat Khan shared a great bond and are often seen partying together. Earlier in September, Bipasha shared a picture from her baby shower posing with Jannat. In the image, we can see them twinning in a pink ensemble and showing off their baby bump.
Ayaz Khan has worked in shows such as Dill Mill Gayye and films such as Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na (2008).