Telugu actor-comedian A V Subrahmanyam died on Friday. He had been suffering from liver-related problems for the last few years.
Seeing his critical condition, doctors had earlier advised his family to take him home.
"He had been undergoing treatment for the last two days at our hospital. Since he was not responding to the treatment, he was shifted to ventilator yesterday (Thursday). This evening, his family took him back home after doctors claimed that his condition has worsened," a source from Global Hospitals told IANS earlier.
AVS, as he is fondly called by fans, was first diagnosed with liver-related issues in 2007. A year later, when doctors had lost all hope, he miraculously lived after his daughter donated a part of her liver.
"He underwent his liver operation at our hospital in 2008 and recovered very quickly because he had no bad habits. He was perfectly fine for the next four years, but it was from the beginning of this year he started struggling again with the same problems," the source added.
The 56-year-old made his cinematic debut with Telugu family drama Mr. Pellam in 1991. He has starred in nearly 100 films over the last two decades.
Some of his best films include Venky, Ravoyi Chandamama and Indra.
Seeing his critical condition, doctors had earlier advised his family to take him home.
"He had been undergoing treatment for the last two days at our hospital. Since he was not responding to the treatment, he was shifted to ventilator yesterday (Thursday). This evening, his family took him back home after doctors claimed that his condition has worsened," a source from Global Hospitals told IANS earlier.
AVS, as he is fondly called by fans, was first diagnosed with liver-related issues in 2007. A year later, when doctors had lost all hope, he miraculously lived after his daughter donated a part of her liver.
"He underwent his liver operation at our hospital in 2008 and recovered very quickly because he had no bad habits. He was perfectly fine for the next four years, but it was from the beginning of this year he started struggling again with the same problems," the source added.
The 56-year-old made his cinematic debut with Telugu family drama Mr. Pellam in 1991. He has starred in nearly 100 films over the last two decades.
Some of his best films include Venky, Ravoyi Chandamama and Indra.