Perhaps inspired by Bollywoodstars who own IPL teams, young Telugu hero Ram Charan, son ofactor-turned-politician Chiranjeevi, has bought a polo team.
It is not a commercial venture though, he says, but ameans to pursue his passion - horse riding.
Charan is supported in this endeavour by Upasana Kamineniwho he is going to marry.
Upasana - grand-daughter of Apollo Hospitals headPratap C Reddy - is interested in polo, Charan said to reporters in Hyderabad.
Charan, who has blockbusters like Magadheera andChiruta under his belt, introduced the four-member Polo teamand unveiled its logo today. It would participate intournaments in Hyderabad and elsewhere.
"Upasana is supporting me. P C Reddy has been in racingfor long.
"This is not like IPL cricket. You have money in IPL.On the contrary, you lose money here," he said, replying to aquery.
Saying that horse-riding sharpens the mind, Charan saidthat school children should be encouraged to take up thesport.
Talking about personal life, he said engagement toUpasana was likely to take place during this year.
Upasana's forefathers were rulers of Domakonda Samsthanin Nizamabad district and one of the ceremonies was likely totake place in the ancient fort in the village, Charan said.
It is not a commercial venture though, he says, but ameans to pursue his passion - horse riding.
Charan is supported in this endeavour by Upasana Kamineniwho he is going to marry.
Upasana - grand-daughter of Apollo Hospitals headPratap C Reddy - is interested in polo, Charan said to reporters in Hyderabad.
Charan, who has blockbusters like Magadheera andChiruta under his belt, introduced the four-member Polo teamand unveiled its logo today. It would participate intournaments in Hyderabad and elsewhere.
"Upasana is supporting me. P C Reddy has been in racingfor long.
"This is not like IPL cricket. You have money in IPL.On the contrary, you lose money here," he said, replying to aquery.
Saying that horse-riding sharpens the mind, Charan saidthat school children should be encouraged to take up thesport.
Talking about personal life, he said engagement toUpasana was likely to take place during this year.
Upasana's forefathers were rulers of Domakonda Samsthanin Nizamabad district and one of the ceremonies was likely totake place in the ancient fort in the village, Charan said.